Freelancers’ criteria for choosing assignments

For several years now, freelancers have been on the increase in the IT sector, as well as in other industries. By becoming self-employed, these professionals are looking to gain greater freedom in the way they work, in their choice of missions, and also to earn more. However, this status entails greater risks, so the criteria for choosing an mission may differ.

To understand their priorities, we surveyed 80 freelancers. Here are their top 5 criteria:

The project is a decisive factor, depending on the objectives and field of intervention. It can be exciting, enable you to develop new skills and enhance your experience for future projects.

The duration of missions brings stability, and is an important element for the organization. There can be long assignments that require significant investment, or short assignments that allow you to gain experience with several customers.

Remuneration is an important piece of information for freelancers, and can be a decisive factor in project completion.

If the skills match the offer, the choice becomes easier to execute the mission. Freelancers may also be looking for new skills to increase their potential for future work. This can be an opportunity to broaden one’s knowledge and facilitate the selection of future missions.

The client can be an advantage in terms of references, depending on the sector of activity or specialty. For a freelancer, working with the same client can be reassuring, guaranteeing a regular rhythm and income. Also, working with a new customer allows you to discover other approaches and expand your network.

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